Dear Parents, Following the successful completion of our first two groups for girls, we are excited to announce that our one-week student camp for boys officially started on August 26th. During this camp, the children are immersing themselves in unforgettable childhood experiences while confidently following the commands of their instructors, much like a soldier. They...
Hira Uygur Language Kindergarten will begin accepting new students from September 2, 2024. Our kindergarten uses a play-based learning approach to provide children with not only wonderful childhood memories but also enhanced reading, comprehension, and writing skills suitable for their age. Hira Uygur Language Kindergarten is a pioneering center for early education and enlightenment. Parents...
The Hira Uygur Education Center’s 2024 summer graduation ceremony took place on August 18th. Our children had a wonderful time during this summer break and successfully completed the planned curriculum. Our teachers worked tirelessly to fulfill their promise to our community, ensuring that not a single moment of the children’s time was wasted. They taught...
Our annual outdoor activities bring endless joy to our children and create sweet memories for their cheerful childhoods. This year, our children, who rarely spend a day away from their parents, will enjoy both exercise and the spirit of friendship during our one-week school trip. For our beloved ones from all around the world, “Turkey”...
Here’s a refined English translation: In this edition of the Hira English Club, we are honored to welcome Mr. Erkin Sidik, a distinguished Uygur scientist and senior optical engineer in aerospace and space technology. He will deliver an online live conference on the topic of “Knowledge is Power.” We hope this special session will inspire...
Following the successful start of our native language courses during the summer break, our online native language classes are scheduled to begin on July 15, 2024. For years, our structured online native language classes have warmly welcomed children aged 6-12, providing a solid foundation in their native language for Uygur children across various countries. Course...